PE Schedule - 2024/2025 Term 3

19th December 2024
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and New Year, and a restful break when term ends.
Please see below, for Term 3's PE days. Please can all children, apart from those who are swimming, wear their winter PE kit on the days when they have PE. Please can those children who are swimming bring their swimming kit to school in a bag that they are able to comfortably carry to and from the pool, and also ensure that they have a suitable coat and shoes for walking to and from the pool in wintery weather.
The schedule is as follows:
EYFS: Tuesdays and Fridays
Year 1: Mondays and Thursdays
Year 2: Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Year 3: Wednesdays and Thursdays
Year 4: Mondays and Fridays
Year 5: Tuesdays (Swimming - beginning in week 1)
Year 6: Tuesdays (Swimming - beginning in week 1)
Many thanks.
Rea Hamilton
Deputy Head