Cherry (Year 2)

Welcome to Cherry Class! 
Welcome back to Term 2! Our learning journey for this term is ‘Ice explorers'. Our enquiry questions for the term is 'What do we know about the world and how does it shape the way we live?'. We will focus on the polar regions and compare them to other parts of the world.
Our Teachers...
  • Miss Blackwell

    Class teacher

    Hello! I am Miss Blackwell and I work in Cherry class every day apart from Thursday afternoons when Mr Young takes over. I have worked in Year 2 for 6 years now and still love learning about our topics. When I am not at school I enjoy taking my dogs Olive and Herbie out for walks and catching up with friends and family.

  • Miss Hart

    Teaching Assistant

    Hello I am Miss Hart. I am the TA in Cherry class and work Monday - Thursday. I love spending time with my 2 daughters and dancing!

Homework is set on Friday and due in the following Wednesday. There will always be a maths and spellings homework but some weeks there will be an additional homework depending on what we are learning that week.
Decodable books are changed on a Thursday and library books can be swapped on a Friday if needed. We will be listening to children reading their decodable books during school time so please can they bring these in every day.